Building Skills for Working in Teams

Igniting Passion & Activating Potential in Teams



What do the great teams do that the others fail to do? How do team leaders build their teams to be great and ensure that their teams are collaborative, self-reliant, motivated and productive?

This highly-interactive Building Skills for Working In Teams training course will help you understand how teams can achieve much more than either the team leader or the team members dreamt possible. It will help team leaders and supervisors learn skills and techniques that enable them to feel more in control of their team while at the same time applying techniques that helps team members release their talents, energy and potential.

This training course will examine the latest ways to motivate and manage teams for improved productivity and morale and help turn average team leaders into one’s that others in the organisation will aspire to join.

This training course will highlight:


By the end of this training course, you will have learned to:

  • Identify individual work styles differences and how to use them to develop your team

  • Apply the modern principles of time and activity management and manage self and team by them

  • Draw-up a comprehensive Team Purpose Analysis and objective set for the team’s foundation

  • Use creative techniques to push the boundaries of team problem-solving and decision-making

  • Apply modern motivation techniques to get the best out of team members

  • Use communication techniques that help minimise “noise in the team system”

  • Influence team members to embrace change and use it as a powerful, positive force


Participants in this Building Skills for Working In Teams training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the training course outline with the instructor using a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. Training methodology includes video presentations, case studies, participative discussions, experiential activities, self and team assessment diagnostics and scenario building forums.


Your organisation will benefit from team managers and supervisors who return with a knowledge of how to build and develop teams that fulfill their potential and improve their motivation and productivity. They will be able to:

  • Build a productive culture that acts as a role model for other teams in the organisation

  • Work more efficiently and effectively by identifying real priorities and challenging activity that does not add value

  • Recognise team issues and deal with them swiftly before they affect the rest of the team

  • Identify star performers in teams and nurture them for the future benefit of the organisation

  • Apply techniques of motivation and structured feedback to help turn around under-performing team members


This Building Skills for Working In Teams training course will give participants the confidence, energy and skills to build and develop high performing teams. Participants will:

  • Be able to use knowledge of their own work style to improve their relationships with team members and get the best from them

  • Improve their ability to control inter-personal situations and outcomes that previously gave them cause for anxiety and stress

  • Gain increased respect from their team members as they seek to help them fulfill their potential

  • Manage their teams to improved productivity with less personal effort

  • Be able to take on secondary teams as their ability to manage their core team with less personal effort grows

  • Transfer the skills learned in the training course to managing people outside their team such as suppliers and customers

  • Enhance their career prospects by leading successful high-performing teams that catch the attention of organisational leaders


This ADGETECH Financial Analysis, Planning & Control training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals, but will greatly benefit:

  • All people who manage teams - experienced, new or prospective

  • Team Leaders

  • Team Managers

  • Team Supervisors

  • Project Team Managers

  • Office Managers


Day 1

Starting From Within – You, The Team Leader

  • Know Yourself as a Team Leader - your strengths and style preferences

  • Examine and Challenge Your Personal Belief System

  • Set Personal Goals To Guide Your Outputs

  • Manage Your Time and Activities

  • Embrace the Power of Role Modelling DAY 2

Day 2

Establishing Team Environment, Membership and Roles

  • Learn From What High Performing Teams Do

  • Conduct a Team Purpose Analysis

  • Map Your Stakeholders

  • Build an Energetic Team Environment

  • Identify Critical Team Roles

  • Identify Effective Team Behaviours

  • Learn How Teams Develop

Day 3

Building Outstanding Team Productivity, Progress and Learning

  • Deploy Motivation Theories in Team Management

  • Get Things Done – How to Influence Stakeholders

  • Influence and Motivate Different Social Style Preferences

  • Help The Team Cope with Change and Develop Resilience

  • Incorporate Systems Thinking for Continuous Team Improvement

  • Use Team After Action Reviews for Continuous Improvement

  • Celebrate Great Team Performance

Day 4

Building Frictionless Team Communications

  • Understand How Communication Works – and Doesn’t Work

  • Identify and Overcome Barriers to Communication

  • Fine-Tune Your Communications - The Process of Listening

  • Fine-Tune Your Communications - Asking Questions

  • Develop Positive Learning in Teams - Appreciative Inquiry

  • Give Feedback that Improves Performance

  • Manage Meetings Efficiently and Effectively

Day 5

Dealing with Team Conflicts and Using Them to Improve Team Performance

  • Identify and Avoid Ineffective Team Dynamics

  • Understand and Deal with Dysfunctional Behaviour

  • How to Manage Conflict – Ground Rules for Effective Conflict Resolution

Creativity for Team Problem Solving and Learning

  • Overcome Blocks to Creativity

  • Adopt a Process for Creativity and Decision-Making


  • On successful completion of this training course, ADGETECH Certificate will be awarded to the delegates

  • Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance

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